Just daily life stuff from a hotel housekeeper's point of veiw.
Published on May 14, 2008 By Mighty Maid In Life Journals
Thursday May 1st. The weather folks said  we were suppose to get snow Wednesday night.The beginnings of a 2 day blizzard they report. I awake hoping that it is not so. I look out the window to find....
Nothing Yippeee! but it is a bit cloudy and cool.
Friday May 2 nd. I awake at 6:00 a.m. again hoping that the blizzard they are calling for has fizzled. But alas I look out the bathroom window to see snow everywhere. I continue through the house to look out the kitchen window. I see that there is a nice little drift right in front of our Mercury Sable. I think to myself "My husband is not getting out of that driveway today." So I call one of my coworkers that lives in the same trailer court as he has a four wheel drive pickup. I get an answering machine and leave a message that my daughter and I need a ride to work.  I wait for about 15 minutes and he has not called back , so I call the hotel to see if the manager can come and get us in his 4 wheel drive truck. The desk girl says that the manager will send the maintenance man(that is who I called in the first place , but he had left at 5:30 am to go scoop walks at the hotel.) out to pick us up as soon as they can. Just stay in the house and hang tight. They call back at about 7:30 am (which is the time I am suppose to be to work as I am to fill in as head housekeeper that day) and tell me that they can't find the maintenance man, no he has not left to get us they just can't find him around the building. Well any way they finally find him and he shows up at the house. It is really snowing and blowing and the visibility is low. Once we are out of our driveway and off the gravel road up on to the highway the road is not that bad. We get to work safe and sound. We work all day till about 3pm. Our boss gives us a ride home in the blowing white stuff. We drive around the road closed sign. The road still is not too bad. The only bad spot was a slippery slushy spot just before the bridge near our road turn off.  Around 5 pm the snow stops and the sun starts to peak out. We still had to have the manager pick us up for work on Saturday, because it stopped too late in the day to melt out the driveway. My husband was able to come pick us up after work. The temps got in the mid 60's that afternoon. So that is what happened for our big spring blizzard.

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